$11,927 in October Business Income – I Finally Left My Job

Hey everyone! Welcome to this month’s blog income report. In October, I finally left my day job. You are probably wondering why my business income is lower in October when I left my job and I had more time to work on my business than previous months/years. Well, I’m not sure why it went down,…

Michelle Schroeder-Gardner

Last Updated: May 25, 2023

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, meaning if you decide to make a purchase via my links, I may earn a commission at no additional cost to you. See my disclosure for more info.

Find out how I earned $11,927 in October 2013.Hey everyone! Welcome to this month’s blog income report.

In October, I finally left my day job.

You are probably wondering why my business income is lower in October when I left my job and I had more time to work on my business than previous months/years. Well, I’m not sure why it went down, but I’m of course not upset.

I still had my day job for almost half of October, and I have been spending a lot of time relaxing. Probably not the best idea for when I first make the switch, but my excuse is that I spent years working (or attending school attending school at the same time) for over 80 hours each week. I was tired!

It has been a nice couple of weeks, but I do need to get back in the hang of everything. October was a great month, not only job and money wise, but I also worked on improving many of my family relationships – and I was successful in doing so. More on that in my October Goals Update post.

October was a good month. It’s one of my highest months ever, and it makes me really excited for November. November will also be my first full month as a self-employed person, so I am excited to see what next month’s income report will be like.


Plenty of progress in the past year.

In October, I made $13,127 in business income, before expenses.

Just last October, I made $3,700 in extra income. I am definitely happy and proud of my progress.

I never thought that I would be anywhere near this amount, and I’m sure many of you feel the same about your “extra income.” However, when I first started blogging, I would read income blogs such as Budgeting in the Fun Stuff and occasionally Newlyweds on a Budget would publish income posts as well, and they both got me hooked. I didn’t think their levels were possible for me, but it turns out that I was wrong.

My side income in September of 2012 was my first big jump in side income, so it was definitely still fairly large for “side income.” However, my progress over the past year just seems unreal.

I know that this is a lot of “extra income” (or business income as this is what all of this is to me now), but please keep in mind that I spend many, many hours every single day on my business.

This is definitely not passive income, although one day I hope that much of my income is passive. I have also been growing this for quite some time, and for around one year I was not making a single dollar, but I was still putting full-time hours into my side jobs. Taxes also take approximately 30% to 40% of my extra income. This is something that not everyone thinks about.

As I say every month in my income update posts as a reality check: this is still work. This is my full-time job, and for a few years I was working my full-time job while having my business as well. There were many sleepless nights!

Luckily, I do enjoy what I’m doing so it’s not like I’m dreading anything. The goals that we have are also a great motivator. Right now our main goal is saving for long-term travel. Read further on my Extra/Business Income page.

As always, if you have any questions about my monthly business income that you would like me to include next month, please let me know.


$11,927 in October Business Income - I Finally Left My Job

This is for the month of October and before fees and expenses (expenses that lower the amount above include approximately $1,200, which includes payments for staff writing on my blog, work with FITnancials, PayPal fees, etc.) being taken out.

October‘s number above includes a rent payment from my sister. So after all expenses and fees, I made approximately $11,927. In the amount above, I do not count the amount that I bring in to blogs that I help run, I only include the amounts that are my actual earnings from my services.

Blog News

Making Sense of Cents is still doing well. Or at least I think so 🙂 . If you have any questions or tips, please leave a comment and let me know. Many of you ask me each month if I enjoy blogging, and I truly do. I have met so many awesome people and have learned so many new things. If you are thinking about starting your own blog, do so now!

My sister’s blog is still doing well also. Please subscribe to FITnancials if you haven’t yet. Lots of new things are happening to her, and she is planning a move to Chicago soon.

My newest blog Diversified Finances is doing well also and I am so glad that I started this website. Being able to talk so much about self-employment and getting direct feedback from readers is great. I recently published an article over there about how self-employment is going for me in the first couple of weeks so far.

If you are looking to start a blog, don’t forget to read my post How To Start a Blog. It gives step by step instructions on starting your own blog. Also, one of my most popular posts this past month was How To Make Money Blogging.


I need a better schedule.

Lately, I have really fallen off my schedule and haven’t had a very efficient routine. I plan on setting an alarm from now on and attempting to not just work from my bed 24/7. I feel that when I sit at my desk or at a table, that I get a lot more done.


FinCon 2013

FinCon was in October, and it was a lot of fun. I learned so many things and I plan on applying much of what I learned to my business. I made a list of things that I need to do in my post My Plan For the Future.

My plans include (in no particular order):

  1. Start an eBook.
  2. Build my brand.
  3. Promote more.
  4. Accept more interviews.
  5. Speak at a blog conference one day.


Staff Writing

I have added a couple more staff writing gigs, and I am still looking for a few more.

Last month was one of my highest months for staff writing in a long time. Up until October, I wasn’t really staff writing because I just couldn’t find the time for it. However, in October I actively started seeking out staff writing positions, and found a few. I’m hoping that I can pick up a few more in November as well.

Here’s my monthly shameless plugin: If any of you need a staff writer or just a one-time content writer, let me know. Whether you need a couple of articles every week, or just a single post with no ongoing relationship, I am your girl. I can write regular content, content to fill in gaps in your writing schedule, content for advertising and so on. My turnaround is fairly quick and I am reliable.

I created an article titled So You Want to Be a Freelance Writer?, so please read further about this topic if you are interested in staff writing as well.


Update on my newest side hustles – Blog and Social Media Management

My website and social media management services are still doing well. I manage different aspects of several different blogs, and that is what has helped me ramp up my business income in the past couple of months. All of my new services are a lot of fun, as I really enjoy blogging and social media, and all other areas of managing a website.

If you need a blog or social media manager, please let me know.

I can manage your blog for a short period of time as well. If you just need one week, one month, or some other time period off from your blog (such as for travel, to unplug, a vacation from your website, to start a family, to start a new job and so on), I can help with this. E-mail me with any questions.

Also, I am still thinking about starting a niche site. However, in the past month I have read articles from other bloggers who have said that they are getting out of the niche site business. Is there a reason that so many people have said this in the month of October?

Are you interested in becoming a virtual assistant? Don’t forget to also read about what exactly a virtual assistant does.


Affiliate income – I really need to start working on this.

I haven’t done anything related to affiliate links or income in quite some time. Each and every month I say that this will change, but I really want to start working on this in November.

What affiliate sites do you use? I have been receiving a few e-mails every couple of weeks from readers asking which affiliate sites are best. Since I don’t do much with affiliate, I’m never sure what to say what is the best. Leave a comment if you know of any please.


Offline side hustles.

I have been thinking about offline side hustles a lot lately. W and I have been thinking about a couple of things. Nothing that will make us a ton of money, but just little things that we enjoy doing that we could possibly make a little money off of. We are hoping to start this soon, and we do think we could be somewhat profitable in the service that we plan on offering.

What offline side hustles do you have?


$11,927 in October Business Income - I Finally Left My Job

Business and Extra Income in October (after expenses)

  • Staff writing – $760
  • Website-Related (managing other bloggers’ websites, my blogs – direct advertising & Adsense) – $10,442
  • Affiliate Income – $400
  • Virtual Assistant tasks – $0
  • Selling Items From Our Home – $67 (although this is not included in the amount above, as this was a credit to the store)
  • Miscellaneous (not related to blogging and online income) – $0
  • Mystery Shopping – $0
  • Rent (we rent a room in our house to my sister) – $325


Comparisons and 2013 Business Income total (after expenses, but before taxes)

  • Total extra income for October: $11,927
  • Income in September: $12,334
  • Difference: -$407
  • Total so far in 2013: $90,972



How did you do in October? What are your extra/business income goals?


Michelle Schroeder-Gardner

Author: Michelle Schroeder-Gardner

Hey! I’m Michelle Schroeder-Gardner and I am the founder of Making Sense of Cents. I’m passionate about all things personal finance, side hustles, making extra money, and online businesses. I have been featured in major publications such as Forbes, CNBC, Time, and Business Insider. Learn more here.

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  1. Wow congrats on making a great extra income for the month of October. For sure you will have more extra income this November, for sure I will follow your monthly updates.

    1. Thank you Clarisse 🙂

  2. Congratulations
    You’ve put in some real hard work to get to this point – well done
    An inspiration to us all

  3. Congrats on another great month. With more time to focus on your own business now I think 5 figures every month is now the norm for you. It’s smart that you’ve been tracking all your numbers to date because it helps to be organized for when you do the income taxes next year 🙂

    1. Haha I can’t wait until tax time! 😛

  4. Wonderful job on the business income for October! Have you thought about starting your own LLC or small business to try to offset some of your personal income taxes? I’m not an expert in these areas. But I have heard other people talk about how one has tax advantages over the other.

    1. Yup, I have an LLC 🙂

  5. dang Gina! You killed and. And you deserve to relax some. You’ve been working crazy hours.

    1. Thank you! And yes, I do think I deserve to relax haha

  6. I’ve done social media management in the past and it can be a really fun side hustle if you have time. I did it when I was in college when I would have frequent breaks between classes and a job that allowed me to spend time on social media and surfing the internet. Today I’d be more likely to hire out my social media management than take it on as a side hustle.

    I have and always will love your income updates, definitely inspires me to keep hustling. Hope you had a great weekend!

    1. That’s awesome that you used to do it as well. I enjoy doing it. I could probably add on some more clients but I do charge more than others for my social media services.

  7. Well Heeled Blog

    You are doing such an amazing job. Congratulations on taking the step to self-employment and for kicking ass at it! 🙂

  8. Great job! I keep waiting for the month you would call it quits and I think now that you have more time the number will continue to increase.

    1. Thank you Thomas!

  9. Great job, Michelle! I hear ya about making sure you have a routine. I have a tendency to hit the snooze a few too many times and it seems like it ruins my whole day. I hate it!

    1. Yes, it does seem to ruin my day also. I just need to start waking up earlier!

  10. October was awesome for you!! I love reading about your progress! I have actually been thinking about trying to work on other sites more and rely on staff writing less. I still like writing but I have so much more fun working on websites! I am not going to make any big decisions though. I still have plenty of time to fill in my schedule so I could fit more sites and more writing in there.

    Good luck to you in November! No doubt this will be your best month yet!

    1. Thank you Alexa! How is that new site that you just bought going?

  11. Another great month Michelle! I had my best month ever last month which is encouraging to have happen. We’ve started to add more clients to our business because of the blog which is cool to see. Good luck with the schedule – it took me a little while to get that down and it has helped me immensely in terms of being more productive. For affiliate, I use Commission Junction and Link Offers mainly.

    1. That is great John! Having a blog has so many benefits 🙂

  12. Connie @ Savvy With Saving

    What a great month! I think you’ll see your income grow in November but don’t feel guilty about taking a break, you deserve it!

  13. Wow, this is a great month for you, that’s for sure. Congratulations for your progress, amazing job 😉

  14. Tanea

    I’m so happy for you! You are so inspiring. I’m working on getting to the point where I can quit my job. My side income is not where it needs to be, but I’m working as hard as I can.

  15. This Life On Purpose

    Wow congrats on the side income, although I guess it’s no longer side income and now it’s main income! How did you get started with the side income on your blog? I’m just getting started and I’m interested in knowing what your path was like.

    1. Yes, it’s main income! 🙂

      I saw that others were able to make an income online, and that is really what started it. I bothered Budgeting in the Fun Stuff and Newlyweds on a Budget a lot and they were so helpful.

      If you have any questions, please e-mail me 🙂

  16. Kim@Eyesonthedollar

    October was certainly an exciting month for you. It must be nice to have everything on your own terms at this point.

  17. Thanks Nell. And that is a great idea about the ebook!

  18. Thank you Kelly! And my possible offline side hustle is related to home decor 🙂

  19. Thank you Catherine!

  20. Thanks! I’m glad that someone is still looking forward to them. I think I need to find a way to spice them up a little.

  21. that is awesome, michelle. enjoy being self-employed! that has to be such a good feeling. work is work, but being able to be your own boss is going to be great. can’t wait to hear all about it.

    1. Thank you Lesley!

  22. Aww thank you so much Karen! And that is so awesome that I was one of your first blogs 🙂

  23. Thank you Michelle!

  24. Congrats Michelle! I’m always inspired by your income reports and all the great information you offer.

    1. Thank you! Please let me know if you have any questions 🙂

  25. Awesome numbers Michelle. I have a lot of the same goals as well. I’m actually just getting started on a new product idea myself but like anything it all takes time.

    1. Thank you Chris! Good luck with your new product idea.

  26. Thank you Stefanie!

  27. Fabulous as always! You are so awesome! I’m working from home now (still with my day job and freelancing) and the schedule is hard. I’m still up until midnight working. We need to form a workaholic therapy group haha.

    1. Thank you Cat! And ahh I bet you are so busy! I am so happy that I have more free time now.

  28. Awesome, truly awesome! An inspiration to anyone who has desired self-employment and pursued it with wild abandon.

    As you’ve alluded to above, setting a routine will be extremely important so you can stave off distractions and maintain motivation during the “extra” time you’ve just gained from being self-employed. Best of luck!

  29. Yeah, that income is still nothing to sneeze at. I am glad you are reconnecting with your family. That is very important.

  30. Jacob

    Nice work, once again! Also, it was great meeting you at FinCon, and it sounds like your to-do list is as full as mine!

    Glad to hear you’ve had a chance to CHILL for a bit, much needed and much deserved. Now get out there and KILL IT! 🙂

    1. It was so nice meeting you also! I’m glad that I could “ambush” you 🙂

  31. Tie the Money Knot

    Well done, once again! I think it’s great that you took a little break, as those 80-hour weeks you mentioned are just not sustainable long-term. Always good to recharge anyway!

    1. Thank you! And no, they were definitely not sustainable. I did that for about 6 years so I’m glad that I can kind of take a break now.

  32. Grayson @ Debt Roundup

    It is always nice to see you blowing it up over here Michelle. You are one of the people that inspire me to earn more, but the time is a problem for me. I wouldn’t mind doing it when I didn’t have a child, but the baby makes it tough to keep a solid schedule.

    1. Thank you Grayson! I’m glad I can inspire you.

  33. WOW! Congrats and a big hug to you!

    Recommendation? Look into Lijit ads for this “little” blog. They’re CPM ads based on pageviews. Easy money for you 🙂

    1. Thank you! And I’ll look into that, thanks.

  34. October was a decent month, but nothing mind shattering. I have a ton to implement from FinCon though!

    1. A decent month is better than a horrible month 🙂

  35. E.M.

    Nice job! I am sure you will do really well in November. If I worked from home I think it would be really tempting to work from bed… it sounds so nice, but I think I’d also be more productive at a table or desk. Good luck on setting a schedule for yourself!

    1. Thank you! And yes, it’s very hard to not work from my bed.

  36. Something like Fincon really gets the creative juices flowing.. It’s bringing all of those ideas to fruition where the real challenge lies. Congrats another great month, my friend!

    1. Thank you Jefferson!

  37. I’m glad you’re looking into offline jobs, too. The internet is volatile and uncertain, and you don’t want to put all of your eggs in one basket. Smart woman!

  38. Having established my site last July, Making Sense of Cents is one of the sites I aspire to become and seeing those revenue figures is a true inspiration. Keep up the hard work – your success is thoroughly deserved!

    1. Aww thank you so much!

  39. Congratulations on making the plunge!

    You have a solid base and a great plan, I have no doubt you’ll continue to grow. Amazing how far it’s gotten in a year huh? Inspirational — keep it up!

  40. Congratulations on making the plunge!

    You have a solid base and a great plan, I have no doubt you’ll continue to grow. Amazing how far it’s gotten in a year huh? Inspirational — keep it up!

  41. Pretired Nick

    Yum yum! I do love seeing some tasty non-job related income! Very exciting!

  42. First, congrats on continued success and your new independence.

    Second, if you could go back and make 2 changes to your process to reach your financial/job independence faster, what would they be? Just looking for some inspiration/guidance.

    The Warrior

    1. Thank you!

      I don’t know if I would do much different. I guess if I had less in student loans then that would have definitely made the whole thing happen much faster!

  43. That is a great month Michelle, congrats! I’m taking a long vacation early next year and will definitely keep you in mind for helping me maintain my blog while away – I love the idea!

    1. Thank you Kyle! And yes, please keep me in mind 🙂

  44. Charles@gettingarichlife

    Is your income in an LLC or is it regular? An S corp or LLC would lower your tax rate. Congratulations on your income!

    1. I have an LLC 🙂

  45. Chad@thstockmarketandi

    It’s great to see that kind of progress Michell. Would you consider itemizing your monthly revenues one day? I would like to see how your incomes breaks down between sources.

    1. I will someday. I still need to figure out a way to protect myself and protect my clients.

  46. Lisa E. @ Lisa Vs. The Loans

    You go girl!!! These posts never fail to inspire me 🙂 Can’t wait to hear about your first full month!

  47. Erick

    Hi Michelle!

    I just came across to your site from SPI and it’s a great discovering, congratulations for quitting your job! and for your upcoming wedding too =)

    About your writting services are you using Elance or another website to do this? I’m actually using some writting services from elance, and I’m looking for inspirational stories for my site of people who have succesfully quit their stressfull / boring / unfulilling jobs to be happy doing something else, please let me know if you are interested in share your story in my small blog. And thanks again for sharing =)

  48. That’s pretty amazing. On an annualized basis, you’re pulling in six figures. And it seems it comes from doing something you love. Awesome!

  49. Congratulations on your income earnings. you are doing great and a lot better than a lot of bloggers like me 😀

  50. Dominic

    Michelle, you are an inspiration! It’s because I stumbled on this blog that I started my website. Thanks for the tips and advice, and I hope I can build my brand enough over the coming years to warrant a less hectic lifestyle. Visit the site if you have time and give me a shout out to drive traffic if you are able! (I definitely used your Bluehost affiliate link for my site!) Thanks!

  51. DNN

    Hey Michelle,

    this is beautiful news to hear that you’re making such a wonderful income 2 years after starting your blog and finally quitting your day job. I’m striving to get up to par on my email marketing because I know there’s a lot more affiliate revenue potential in that. Now that my SEO is greatly improving, I look forward to learning from you and others about transitioning successfully to “side hustle millionaire” status. 🙂

  52. Good morning again Michelle and happy Saturday to you (smile) :-),

    I went back a few pages this morning in your blog while searching for inspiration and guidance on mentally shifting focus and working on weight loss simultaneously. Your story of leaving your job and pursuing self-employment was incredibly motivating and resonated with me on multiple levels. We have the “public 9th step mentality” I see. 🙂

    Firstly, I admire your courage to step out of her comfort zone and take a leap of faith into the unknown. Leaving the security of a steady job can be daunting, as your success story proves that sometimes we need to embrace uncertainty in order to discover our true potential.

    What struck me most was your emphasis on finding fulfillment in her work. So often, we get caught up in the daily grind and forget to pursue our passions and dreams. Michelle, I most certainly agree that your decision to leave your job and start your own business “I wanna quit my job and be a blogger” allowed you to align your work with your personal values, and that’s truly inspiring to me. Drewry respects you to the [public 9th step] for doing the transformation work. 🙂

    The importance of financial planning and saving cannot be emphasized enough as you rightfully point out. Building an emergency fund and reducing debt are crucial steps to take before embarking on such a journey. It’s heartening to see your thoughtful approach to this aspect, which ensures a smoother transition and alleviates some of the stress associated with the initial phases of self-employment.

    The online world offers numerous opportunities for individuals seeking to create their own path. Your success in the “blogging and digital marketing arena” is a [hardline testament] to the potential that lies within your realm. Your heartfelt affiliate marketing + blogging story reminds us that with dedication, persistence, and continuous learning, we can build a fulfilling and sustainable career online.

    Lastly, the support and encouragement from loved ones, as mentioned by you, can make a world of difference during times of transition. Having a strong support system can help alleviate doubts and provide the motivation needed to overcome challenges.

    I wholeheartedly agree your journey serves as a reminder that sometimes the biggest risks lead to the greatest rewards. Leaving a traditional job to pursue self-employment requires careful planning, determination, and a belief in oneself. I am inspired by your story and will use it as a guiding light. Thank you for sharing your experiences, Michelle! 🙂

    Your affiliate marketing friend,

    Drewry from Flatbush Brooklyn

    a.k.a. Sha-LO
