How To Start A Blog FREE Course

Are you looking for a how to start a blog free course? If you’ve been wanting to start a blog, then today is your day. I recently created an email course for those who are interested in starting a blog, but haven’t made the leap yet. Best of all, this course is free! You can sign…

Michelle Schroeder-Gardner

Last Updated: August 7, 2024

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, meaning if you decide to make a purchase via my links, I may earn a commission at no additional cost to you. See my disclosure for more info.

Are you looking for a how to start a blog free course? If you’ve been wanting to start a blog, then today is your day. I recently created an email course for those who are interested in starting a blog, but haven’t made the leap yet.

Best of all, this course is free!

You can sign up by entering your information in the form below.

I started my blog, Making Sense of Cents, in August of 2011 and have built a great business. It allowed me and my husband to leave the day jobs we disliked to pursue something that we loved. Now, we travel full-time, make a great living (last month we made over $100,000 blogging), have a flexible schedule, have more time to spend with loved ones, and we will be able to retire early.

I’ve learned a lot over the years about blogging, and I am continually learning new things in order to improve my blog. And that’s where this blogging course comes in.

I’m sure many of you are interested in starting a blog but aren’t sure where to start. There’s a lot that goes into blogging, but I make it easy with this course.

With this free email course, I will show you exactly how to create a blog, from the technical side (it’s easy – trust me!) all the way to earning your first income and attracting followers. Each day for seven days, you will receive an email in your inbox that will help you create a successful and profitable blog, all from the very beginning.

Here’s a quick outline of what you will learn in this free 7-day email course:

  • Day 1: Reasons you should start a blog.
  • Day 2: How to determine what to blog about.
  • Day 3: How to create your blog. In this lesson, you will learn how to start a blog on WordPress. My tutorial makes it very easy to start a blog.
  • Day 4: How to make money blogging.
  • Day 5: My tips for passive income from blogging.
  • Day 6: How to grow your traffic and followers.
  • Day 7: Miscellaneous blogging tips that will help you be successful.

You can sign up by entering your information in the form below.

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Michelle Schroeder-Gardner

Author: Michelle Schroeder-Gardner

Hey! I’m Michelle Schroeder-Gardner and I am the founder of Making Sense of Cents. I’m passionate about all things personal finance, side hustles, making extra money, and online businesses. I have been featured in major publications such as Forbes, CNBC, Time, and Business Insider. Learn more here.

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  1. Thank you for providing some great info and insight. I look forward to signing up and improving my blog. And lets be honest, making money too!

    The Green Swan

    1. Welcome! This course is more for those who haven’t made a blog yet, but I’m sure you’ll learn something 🙂

  2. Vivek @ LifeAfterFI

    Subscribed to the course….. Looking forward to the emails 🙂

  3. Amanda

    Yay!!! I am very excited for this! Is this going to into how to design your blog as well? Any tips on that would be great! I love reading your posts!


    1. Thanks! And, no, it won’t go into design. I’m not a professional web designer so I’d prefer to leave that to the experts 🙂

      1. Amanda

        That makes sense! Do you have any recommendations on how I can learn to design a website? Or someone that could either teach me or design it themselves?

        1. I don’t know of anyone, but I’m sure there are courses out there. I’ll keep my eyes open for you and see what I can find 🙂

          1. Amanda

            Thank you!!!! I still can’t wait for yours though! It has several days simply designed for me 🙂

            1. If you need help with design, I’d be happy to help ( Michelle knows my work.

              1. Yes, I highly recommend Grayson! He’s my man for everything!

                1. Fee

                  Hello Michelle – you said to Amanda that you didn’t know anyone that could help her re webdesign but then you recommend Grayson – I’m confused!

                  1. Grayson can help with small things, but he doesn’t do whole designs. Does that make more sense?

  4. Signed up. It’s never too late to learn something new – and let’s face it, we ALL are capable of learning new things!

    1. Thanks! My affiliate income strategy online course will be live next month and that will probably fit you better 🙂 You can sign up for the waitlist here –

  5. Monica@wellideclare

    I’ve started my blog but I know I can learn a ton from you. Just signed up! Happy Birthday weekend!

  6. Starting a blog is one of the most beautiful things a beginner online marketer can do to increase their money making potential online.

  7. I’m just Signed up, wailing to learn and improve my skills in my new blog
    Thanks for your help

  8. Marko Zupanic

    This is a great idea. We don’t have enough tips for blogging never.

  9. Amanda

    I’m so excited about this course! Thank you Michelle for offering so much great info in one spot. I’m new to the blogging world but I couldn’t be more excited to get mine up and running with this training!

  10. Thank you for providing such a valuable resource…and for free! I’ve been blogging for a bit but still consider myself a newbie. It’s great to have a course with all the information there and from someone who has been so successful at it. Thanks again Michelle!

  11. Signed up! I am not even two months into my blog so I am looking forward to some great tips! 🙂

  12. Bailey

    Signed up! I do not have a blog, but have been considering it. The difficult part for me is choosing a topic that I know enough about.. Hoping this will help provide some insight!

  13. Lisa

    I’ve already started my blog but I would love your insight on these topics! Can’t wait to get started 🙂

  14. This is a real inspiration for me. I’m working on writing a guide on starting a blog and you’ve set the bar really high (darn you!). Fine work!

  15. ZJ Thorne

    I’m eagerly anticipating reading your emails. Thanks for creating this course.

  16. Adrianna Rivera

    I just recently had a baby and had to leave my day job. Blogging has been something I’ve been wanting to do for so long and now I can finally get started! Just signed up and looking forward to learning what you have to teach!

  17. Delia

    Michelle I just signed on for your free blogging course. you see .I had a massive stroke 16months ago. I’m paralyzed on my domain side and I living on disability benefits which is very tight from month to month and they found a anuerysm on my brain that is being very closely watched. I love too write.And I would love to see my medical bills disappear I love that you have a free course. I can’t wait to get started since I can’t work anymore I would love to give blogging a try since jobs are hard to find for people with disabilities thank you for the chance to change my life and give me some hope God bless you.

    1. Denise

      I am disabled too and have thought of writing a blog now for seceral years

  18. Mary Nippert

    I’ve tried signing up for the Blogging course twice, using two different emails and haven’t received anything yet. Am I doing something wrong? Thanks

    1. Hhmmm. For some reason it says the emails have failed. It may be because your email service has blocked the email service company I use. You may need to contact Cox and ask them to approved my email address (

      Or you can try whitelisting my email. After you do that, please send me an email and I can check on this again 🙂

      So sorry!

  19. Nikiesha

    Just signed up for the course. I am in process I found creating my blog, designed the site using Wix but can’t wait to see what insights you provide.

  20. Jennifer

    I just signed up for your free email course, can’t wait! I am researching starting a blog. Is Bluehost and WordPress the same thing? Do you have to have both or what is the difference?

    1. You have to have both. Bluehost is what makes your website “live” and WordPress is where you write your blog posts.

  21. Hello! I just discovered your blog through mintnotion and just so eager and excited to start! I run a spiritual blog and while I do love sharing and have gone nearly 2 years not monetizing, I feel like there’s something I can do differently. Monetizing doesn’t have to be spammy and aggressive. It took me today to realize that. And it doesn’t mean bad. Thank you so much for this. <3

  22. Hailey

    Hi Michelle! Your posts are so helpful as well as this email course! My blog has been up and running for just a couple weeks and your info helped me out and helped me believe in this idea! 🙂

  23. Taunja Fischer

    My friend forwarded your newsletter one day and today is the day I’ve decided to start a blog. I’m looking forward to this journey. I hope I can contribute value to the blogging world with your help.

  24. Christine

    Just signed up and I’m so exicted!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂

  25. Crystal

    I am new to this so i will need help starting one i always thought i would love to do this but was not sure how to start one

    1. Terri Zingalie

      This is me I was doing a blog but didn’t get into the technical too much .. I was scared so I just did smaller blog articles through my FB page … I’m trying and want to make a go of this .. My passion is the Word of God and healing people .If I can do this and help myself as well .. this would be awesome!! How do I know this is really free and that there aren’t hidden costs to this course … I am a poor widow …starting with nothing!! I need help. Please and thank you …

      1. Terri Zingalie

        Auto correct changed my word from helping people to healing

  26. Munira

    Hi! I just signed up looking forward to the emails and learn how to start blogging.. thanks

  27. Tru

    I’ve had my website now for over ten years every now and then (few years…lol) I update it try something new … then put it on the back burner again … I can only imagine where I could have been if I had only stuck with it … time to give it another whirl ! Thank you 🙂 Have a wonderful day !

  28. Becky

    Hi, I tried doing a blog about wood carving with affiliate marketing a couple years ago with no luck. I have been following your blog for awhile and I’m going to give it another try. It’s like you are encouraging me to. Should I use the same name as before or change it?

    1. It’s all up to you! I think it’s probably fine either way.

  29. Karl

    Just signed up for the 7 day course. I’m curious to learn your techniques for success and get started!

  30. Emma

    I just signed up for your course! So excited to start learning, I’m just curious if wordpress is the host site that you actually use for your current website.

    1. I use WordPress but they are not my blog host (WordPress is a platform, not a host). Is that what you are asking?

  31. Michael A Robinson

    Looking forward to taking your course, thinking about doing blogs on Mexico eventually and learning how to fly a drone and go to a lot of Indycar races and would like to blogs on the races I attend.

  32. May

    I had signed up through your blog just to back out within a month. I got confused between Bluehost and WordPress, and didn’t know how to go about with it even after going through the courses. Am thinking to start fresh and sign up again, isn’t that silly? Also, I was just wondering if you or anyone you know might be looking to hire a virtual assistant? So tired of my dull and repetitive 9-5 job, plus the ~1 hour travel time going to and leaving work. Anyway, I enjoy your blog. Thank you so much!

    1. I don’t think it’s silly at all! You should definitely try again 🙂

      I don’t know of anyone currently looking, but I know there’s a ton of people out there who need one. Good luck!

  33. Lurline

    Ii’m looking forward to starting your free course on blogging, Its something I always wanted to do but just didn’t know how to start. So thank you.

  34. Kira

    I read your story in “The Essential Habits If A 6-Figure Bloggers”, and rushed over to your site. I look forward to learning from you!

  35. Abraham

    Hello Michelle,

    I started reading about how to start blogging and it’s been very interesting so far.

    I have also signed up for the 7-day email course, and can’t wait to learning more.

    Thank you for the quick response to my email and offering to help.



  36. Janell Johnson

    I want to sign up but it keeps giving me an error message. I really need this class. Can you direct me to a different link please?
    Thank you in advance!

  37. I just sent you an email about this.